Spotify is one of the leading platforms in music these days. The algorithm and recommendation feature of the platform is vital, and people love them. However, another advantage here is the freedom to create a unique playlist and garner followers. Many people do this and earn money on various platforms. However, creating a bomb playlist is not easy. Further, some genres are beyond saturated also. So, here are some tips on how to create excellent Spotify playlists to gain more followers.

Be very specific

Yes, one needs to be very specific with the songs to include in the playlist. ‘Chill vibes’ is a broad theme, and people may feel confused. Instead, one can go for ‘chill vibes for studying’ or ‘chill vibes for relaxing.’ Studying and relaxing are different activities, and one must draw boundaries in the music they pick. These specially-curated playlists are more likely to attract more people.

Include the all-time favorites

People never get weary of playing some of their favorite songs. So, one should not be shy about adding a few old, classic songs to a playlist if one can. If given some time, these playlists can stay evergreen for years. Additionally, everyone loves some oldies on the most well-known Spotify playlists. So, why not also include some of those songs in one’s playlist?

Quality v/s quantity

Quantity is a debatable topic in terms of Spotify playlist. Some suggest one should only create brief playlists, while others claim it doesn’t matter. Playlists with several hundred songs become wildly successful on Spotify, and some relatively shorter ones do the same. In either case, it’s crucial to prioritize quality over number. One would want people to appreciate every song, not just a select few.


Best songs first

The early tracks on any album or playlist will receive much more plays than the later songs, making this a good old trick. As a result, the chances of engaging listeners with any playlist are slim at later stages. So, one should start their playlist with the songs they think are the best or their favorite. The next time one listens to their collection; they should pay attention to how the album’s opening tracks are. That is what they should aim for for their playlist also.

Other tips

Here are some other things one needs to ensure to create a bomb playlist.

A catchy title

A well-written description with all required keywords to boost SEO and to make the purpose clear

A visually pleasing and highly-relevant cover image

These are the must-haves for a good playlist. Apart from these, one must stay patient because their following would not increase overnight.